alhamdulillah...dah sebulan ddk d umah baru...
seronok...sbb kali ni,rase btul2 mcm umah sendri...
saye dok sebilik dgn mimi.seronok bilik dgn die.syukur Allah, temukan aku dgn tman yg baik spt dia...sempoi orgnye.kami punya cita rasa yg sama.
puas kitorg hias rumah...especially bilik.
satisfaction is when u achieve what u imagined.
apparently,our room turn out to be as we expected.PUAS.sungguh pun pnat.BERGADOH dgn org local to get the best price.walk here n there from street to street.
but yey!
we'r happy together.saye selesa.die selesa.kami GEMBIRA. hotel 5 star pon,bleh bargain. senang kate,INDIA=BARGAIN!
except!people here suke kata,
but end up LATE!i mean REALLY2 LATE...grr....
sampai satu tahap tuh,i was so mad,until i said,
ye lah...mane xbengang..tunggu dari pagi sampai i have no other things to do!
and guess what, they came right after that.=_= naseb baik...if not,mmg aku bakar je kdai tuh..~
owh ye...exam.exam.FINAL EXAM.+3RD IA...
im tryin...keep on tryin VERY VERY HARD FOR THE BEST...
mungkin ape yg aku impikan tuh..terlalu tinggi.sampai ada sorg 'sahabat istimewa' ni kate
''ala,aim pass je tasha.xpyh susah2 aim jauh.yg penting pass.''
tp bagi aku,salah ke aim jauh2??bukan setiap yg berjaye tu,bermula dgn cita2?usaha la sebolehnye..
Allah pon kate...
''Manusia hanya mendapat apa yg diusahakannya''
janji Allah...aku yakin...aku usaha...tapi Dia lebiih tahu.apa yg TERBAIK untuk aku...
aku cuma perlukan kekuatan...tu saje...supaya aku dpt berjuang....dan terus berjuang...aku xkesah org nak kate ape...mase depan aku.cita2 aku.usaha aku.
babe, nice room btw. glad that ur happy there in india :)
and yeah, you are right abt the aim high thingy. i remember someone saying, "Aim for the head. Just in case you missed, at least you'd hit the neck."
tasha, remember the hard times, the late nights we spent revising and preparing ourselves for spm? be strong ok. all hard work will be rewarded, have faith.
and i can see that you've grown into a woman ya. hahaha. keep up the good work. caya la mak cik! ;P
heh, apa-apa pun, aku baru habis exam. cuak dowh dgn result. susah gila tuhari!!!
u take care there ok, buddy :)
paoie! thanks a lot for da words...
dude, i miss u damn much nih...=(u use to be my inspiration u know..
haisshhh....i miss da skool times...
everyone was there for me...
no matter how busy we were...
we would still spend some time for each other..
aku ingat lg...kau buat add math...sampai tetdo tdo atas katil tuh.. dgn torchlight plumber kat kepale nye...jam loceng yg memekak tp kite xbgn pon....waa...
rindu la...
pao,doa kan aku final is getting near...really need the strength....~
i miss u...
hi tasha [nama btol ke?], kaklin guna number dlm my blog.bleh dtg amek buku tu anytime tapi msg dulu:)
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