A male patient presented with complain multiple ulcers on the leg since 6 years back. It is progressive and painful. Barely walk due to the pain. Granulation tissue and sinus tracts can be noted.
On Xray: Sclerotic and lytic lesions noted in the leg
Management: Above knee amputation
p/s: Post ini ditulis atas tujuan Education. bukan untuk menakutkan or memalukan mana2 pihak.=)
So ulcer kt kaki die sbb radang kt tulang? bistu korang buat ape time operate? nape ade benang2 smue tu?
seram jer tgk pic2 ni tasha..i came from melly's post..hehe.. :D
owh tu bukan benang...its like dawai khas that they use as gergaji..pulling from sidewards..sampai putus..
yup, ulcer kat kaki tuh sbb radang kt tulang...infection dlm tulang yg menyebabkan area2 tulang tu mati. Microorganism to makan2 tissue2, buat tract sendiri, leading to sinus tract to the skin...tu yg jd ulcer...
granulation tissue tu, its the reaction of body, trying to heal...but fail..so, new cells after new cells...but end up with that protruding tissue yg infected..=)
erkkk... 1st time tgk sakit ulcer kaki.. hadoi...
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